Sunday, December 28, 2008

Nearly New Year's Eve Again

Can't believe another 12 months are nearly over again. And I still have toget my drivers' licence, lol.

So, my new year's resolutions are as follows:

Get my P plates (preferably before March)
Lose weight (although this is soooo not going to happen)
Do well at uni (at the very least, a credit average)
Finish reading Satanic Verses
Finish watching every single Academy Award best picture winner

Friday, November 21, 2008

Games, games, games

Exams are now over. Hope I passed (fingers crossed).

Meanwhile, Ching came back from Hong Kong and got me a Playstation Portable (PSP). I'm not that good using Playstation controls at the best of times so its been a little tricky for me to play the games.

Got Crash Bandicoot game and some Dragon RPG game. Dunno what the actual name is, but it mademe feel sick from motion sickness when the character was running down the streets. No idea how the character fights or uses magic either. All a bit too confusing.

I bought Grand Theft Auto on the cheap but haven't played it yet.

Been mostly addicted to Free Colonization lately. Basically just like the real Colonization but an open software version.

Bought Ching-E her birthday present at long last. Got her Guitar Hero: World Tour from EB but got the priec knocked down the the JB price. Haven't played it yet but have to admit the sound of the drums is slightly disappointing.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

RIce & Phelps?

I have it on very good authority that the Stephanie Rice and Michael Phelps rumours are actually indeed fact. They pashed in the Budweiser Bar and left together.

Who knows what happened next. But that's what my friend on the ground in Beijing saw with his own eyes. He's close to members of the swim team and went to the Olympics to watch all the swimming events.

Meanwhile, Rice has also been out partying with medley rival Katie Hoff. Just weird seeing all these people who are fierce rivals in the pool just hanging out and having a good time after all the competition is over.

Thursday, July 3, 2008


I'm on a break now that my exams have finished. But still having driving lessons in Chatswood and the like. And going to movies more often.

Just bought the Mamma Mia soundtrack today. Amanda Seyfried and Meryl Streep sound good, as expected, but Pierce Brosnan sounds terrible (LMAO). He sounds like he's trying way too hard to keep up with Meryl.

Mum's down in Nowra, and meanwhile, Hamsteroo doesn't seem to be eating all that much. I gave it food bowl, tomato, grass and weeds and it still wouldn't eat. Hope he's okay.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

They're coming!

2 days till Po and Dot come back to Oz. Can't wait.

I wonder if Bunny and Ham Roo will still recognise them.

Meanwhile we'll be going to Pancakes and of course I'll have to starve myself on Saturday so that I can eat both a main course and a pancake. God knows I'm not going to order Devil's Delight.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Back to uni


I've been back to uni for the first semester of 2008 and already it seems like a bit of a drag. I'm doing 4 subjects this year:

Property, Equity and Trusts
Federal Constitutional Law
Litigation 1
Legal Theory

Unlike last year my class times are no longer all 9-1 Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. I still have classes 9-1 on Mondays and Thursdays but because for some reason everyone else booked into Law and Social Theory very early on, I'm stuck doing classes from 11-1 and 2-4 on Tuesdays and Fridays. I don't really like ending classes that late in the day. On the other hand that means I can pop into the law library and use their free wireless broadband. Last year you had to pay to use the uniwide wireless service for non-uni websites, but this year its free I tells ya!

Meanwhile my laptop has been working pretty well. Bit of a bugger to carry to and from uni but at least I know if I drop it then it probably won't break. Might get a case or pouch for it instead.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Birthday dinners

Ate so much at both my birthday dinners. Had 2 pieces of pork on Tuesday and so much potato. Couldn't even finish my piece of cake. But food was so yummo. And got sick playing X-Box afterwards.

Then went to Star City on Wednesday and only had 4 plates of food. Wish I had more potato salad.

So full now.